Time Capsule

Grade Levels: Middle School


Sunshine State Standards:

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  1. Ask the class if they are aware of what a time capsule is. Explain that sometimes we try to capture what a particular moment in time was like, so that in the future, people can better understand what life was like for people.
  2. Access a website such as "The Secret Room" and collect things that you can envision were important to Corrie ten Boom. Explain to students that they are going to create a time capsule that captures what life was like when the the Holocaust occurred, what a concentration camp looked like, a prisoner's barracks, a workhouse. Brainstorm some of the items that might help others understand who one of the Holocaust victims were.
  3. List students' suggestions on the board. Lead the class to classify the suggestions under such titles as: characteristics, activities, ideas, feelings, or interests.
  4. Instruct the class to bring in some artifacts that represent each of these areas to create them. These may include downloaded photographs from the web, created notes or letters, etc. Tell them that their artifacts must be able to fit in a gallon milk container.
  5. When the class is ready, distribute a milk container to each student. Instruct them to cut the container in half. After placing the artifacts inside, use strapping tape to completely seal the container and the plexiglass together. The time capsules may be decorated, in a collage form, with cut out words and pictures from the magazines. Decoupage varnish will help to preserve their beauty.
  6. Create a Holocaust display shelf for the time capsules.


Post Field Trip Activity

A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.

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